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Austerity Politics and Social Interaction

 A collaborative project with Egle Oddo 


“Austerity Politics and Social Interaction” is a project by artists Sepideh Rahaa and Egle Oddo. They investigate social and economic changes in Finland and their impact on life of people. Artists have started the research around this subject from the October 2015 by interviewing people with different socio-political background.

This project aims to create a dialogue from public into the public, which deals collectively with the issues presented.

Sepideh Rahaa, Austerity Politics and Social Interaction

Austerity Politics and Social Interaction

HD video 4 min


Interwiew with Max Ryynänen, 

Screened at Vantaa Art Museum Finland, 2016

also at Third Space, Helsinki, Finland, 2016

Sepideh Rahaa, Austerity Politics and Social Interaction

Austerity Politics and Social Interaction

HD video 13 min


Interwiew with Minna Henriksson

Screened at Third Space, Helsinki, Finland, 2016

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